Service Maintenance Contracts Explained.

Service maintenance contracts are maintenance agreements between an equipment owner and a service provider governed by a written agreement or contract. According to Kel Stanton, owner of Kel Stanton’s Mobile Diesel Service, in Brisbane. Service Maintenance Contracts define how the parties will interact and describe all the maintenance events covered, including scheduled preventive maintenance and…

How to calculate tractor wheel slip

How to calculate tractor wheel slip Slight wheel-slip is essential for correctly transferring the tractor’s tractive force while still preserving the pasture condition.  This article explains how to measure wheel-slip and provides some options to achieve the optimum tractive efficiency with various implements by effectively managing wheel-slip. The degree of wheel-slip is equal to the…

Conventional safety the key for Cleary Bros Freightliner Cascadia purchase

Cleary Bros Transport has introduced the Freightliner Cascadia to its iconic yellow fleet based in on the New South Wales South Coast. The Port Kembla company chose the Freightliner thanks largely to its advanced safety technology, including Active Emergency Braking with pedestrian detection, Lane Departure Warning and SideGuard Assist, a system that uses radar to…