The legend of Canter

Fuso Canter Story – a legend in the making Two years after man first stepped foot on the moon, another important landing was taking place. It was arrival of the first ever shipment of Canters in Australia, which drove off the wharf and straight to work in 1971. Now Fuso is celebrating the 50th anniversary…

Komatsu 895 Forwarder – Review

The Komastu 895 is one of the largest logging Forwarders in the market, boasting a 20-tonne payload capacity, industry leading stability with a wide-spread 725mm bogie and sporting the biggest onboard crane in its class. This high productivity machine is certainly the behemoth among the forestry giants and brings improved operator ergonomics, efficiency and economy…

Service Maintenance Contracts Explained.

Service maintenance contracts are maintenance agreements between an equipment owner and a service provider governed by a written agreement or contract. According to Kel Stanton, owner of Kel Stanton’s Mobile Diesel Service, in Brisbane. Service Maintenance Contracts define how the parties will interact and describe all the maintenance events covered, including scheduled preventive maintenance and…

Sharpgrade 1.6 box blade leveller Review

Sharpgrade’s 1.6 box blade leveller has transformed Tasmanian based Otta Group’s Terex PT50 Positrack loader into a precision laser grading machine. It now delivers the performance of much larger grading machines with the agility and manoeuvrability of a skid steer, as Howard Shanks reports.  ‘New infrastructure to lift economy’… It’s a sentiment brandished repeatedly from…