Mack Anthem receives high driver acceptance from Richers Transport team. The Maryborough Queensland based company also welcomes significant fuel savings the Anthem returns.
Richers took delivery of one of the first Mack Anthem prime-movers off the Wacol production line. Now since joining the fleet, it’s racked up over 200,000 kilometres. Another three Anthems have joined the fleet in recent months.
Richers carry anything from particleboard and timber to alcohol, groceries, and general freight with a diverse customer base. Consequently, the fleet covers a lot of ground. These trucks go as far afield as Cairns or Adelaide, often running at B-double weights of 64-tonne.
With a fleet of 100 trucks on the road, the Mack brand features highly. In fact, more than 90 per cent of the Richers fleet carries the bulldog branding. “For our type of work, we’re mainly concentrating on drivability, fuel economy and safety,” says Tom Richers, Operations Manager Richers Transport, “Reducing our fuel usage and running costs are extremely important in our business. It’s what keeps us competitive.
“We choose to go with Mack for the drivability. They’re great for the drivers and fuel economy and come equipped with a good safety package. They’re great from a maintenance perspective as well. This truck hasn’t spent a day off the road other than planned maintenance stops.
“Since we’ve taken delivery of the Mack Anthem, it’s performed well, and we think it’s a fleet leader in fuel.
“This truck carries some heavy loads, and the fuel economy is currently sitting on two kilometres to the litre, which is 0.2 of a kilometre per litre better than the previous model, and over the life of the vehicle, those savings certainly add up.”
“As more drivers and operators climb behind the wheel of the Mack Anthem, the more positive feedback we are getting”, says Tom Chapman, Vice President, Mack Trucks Australia.
“Performance, driveability and fuel efficiency are consistent standouts. This truck represents a uniquely Australian mix of technological advancement and rugged durability, and I’m proud to see it delivering value and efficiency to our customers. It is indeed a great bit of gear.”
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