The Evolution of Scania Opticruise G33-CM

Scania’s new G33-CM Opticruise gearbox range explained: Eight reverse gears available Gearbox saves approximately 1% fuel Total V8 driveline fuel saving up to 6% Pneumatic shifting, economy gear ratio Lower noise, meeting all foreseeable regulations Improved maintenance intervals and better precision Designed for a perfect match with Scania’s low-rev engines Less internal friction, dry sump…


Kenworth Legend T950

The sale of all 75 Limited Edition Legend 950 Kenworths, a model known for its tenacious appetite for hard work and unprecedented reliability in rugged Australian conditions, in a little under 48 hours clearly demonstrated how passionate Kenworth enthusiasts were about a model that played a significant role in the growth of many of their…


Service Maintenance Contracts Explained.

Service maintenance contracts are maintenance agreements between an equipment owner and a service provider governed by a written agreement or contract. According to Kel Stanton, owner of Kel Stanton’s Mobile Diesel Service, in Brisbane. Service Maintenance Contracts define how the parties will interact and describe all the maintenance events covered, including scheduled preventive maintenance and…
